Internal linking canonical address usage conventions image importance other uses of text. The tool is available for free for up to 3 scans or as an annual subscription with unlimited features and a wide range of features. For smaller stores the free version is usually sufficient. Website Analysis Tools Screaming Tools Website Tools Speed Test Tools There are many tools that allow us to test how fast our website is running. We all know that the faster a website runs the better. If the page loads slowly some of our new customers may be logged out while loading which could be one of the reasons for the high bounce rate. Information on bounce rates can be found in this tool also a free tool from. Back on topic speed testing tools I can recommend include Google Pingham which should do speed tests on the home page itself product categories and other pages like blog entries. Ł ł wrote a practical guide to website optimization and online store speed which I encourage you to practice regularly.
Detailed approach to faqs Adapted to mobile devices Over the years we have seen an increase in the number of mobile users visiting our website. Need to cater to customers who frequently shop using their smartphones. Check if a site is mobile-friendly Check out the report in the tool or the URL using the free Mobile-Friendly Website Testing Tool Most templates in the most popular content management systems are fully responsive. This means that the page layout adapts to the whatsapp mobile number list of the device our customers are using. Its worth checking how the site works on different devices. Easy navigation within the site to access all the information and its readability as well as the speed of loading the technical elements that every online store should focus on. Sitemaps and sitemap files are lists of content within our website that we want robots to visit. This allows them to access pages that are sometimes difficult for bots to find due to bad internal linking or other subpages not linking to them.
Noodle Sitemaps are generally available in many regions that have built-in functionality for creating sitemaps but some require the installation of appropriate add-ons or other features when set up. If youre using a proprietary system and dont have the option to add such modules you can create a sitemap yourself inside and upload to your websites main directory. Manually added sitemaps should be updated if taxonomy changes. It contains instructions that are often followed after a search. Here you can block selected or all browsers from accessing different types of resources. Therefore we will prevent indexing such as private pages or files. A common mistake is to block access to important pages (such as product pages) or resources (such as product images). A comprehensive technical analysis includes the analysis of many other factors. In most cases however this is not possible without technology and other tools. However if you use the above tools and improve the basic technical elements of your store it will definitely translate into the number of new customers your website needs to grow.